Champs staff interview part 1 – Tamara
Name: Tamara
Role: Breakfast and morning tasks as required. It’s a small hotel where we have to be flexible.
Tamara was given no warning of the interview and I hadn’t met her before so she was a little reserved at first but opened up easily and seemed very friendly and happy to talk to me.

Tamara standing in front of the fly curtain – made of bottle caps
(In case you’re interested there will be a separate post about the antique clock and barometer on the wall next to Tamara.)
How long have you worked here? Since December 3rd 2018
What’s your favourite item on the food menu? Waffles, but I don’t usually have breakfast at The Champs, I have oatmeal at home before I head to work, starting at 7am. I usually finish at 2 or 3pm.
How far away do you live? 25 mins walk mostly up the hill on the way, just behind IGA Supermarket in Picard. Of course after a day at work it’s a less tiring walk downhill to get home.
Where’s your favourite spot in Dominica? My home village is Cottage where I go and watch them play rounders, I used to play too but can’t really join in and practice because live here. Cottage is just north of Toucari Bay, so by public transport would take far too long to get to us on a regular basis reliably.

Cottage, just north of Toucari Bay (The Champs is just off the bottom of the map)
What are your hobbies? I make candies like ginger and peppermints and sell them at family and friend’s shop. I also make sorrel jam which is available at The Champs.
Breakfast and lunch breads are all made by Tamara as well as apple pie.
Stay tuned for more insights into our staff members!