Chaudiere Pool

Look out for parrots en route!

Chaudiere Pool

Leap into this deep mountain pool, which shines turquoise in the sun. On the upper reaches of the Hampstead River, the swimming hole even has a natural water slide, a chute of smooth, chafe-free rock! Pack a picnic and wear shoes suitable for the moderate rain forest hike in (1–2 hours roundtrip, depending on your route).

This delightful spot is on the upper reaches of the Hampstead River. Located on the outskirts of the community of Bense, the trail is well marked, and goes down to the confluence of two rivers. You need to cross the first river to get to the pool.

Look out for parrots en route!

Discover Unlimited Beauty Of Dominica



Drive up through the village of Bense – the track is in poor condition so a 4-wheel drive is essential if you want to drive all the way to the start of the track

Time Commitment: 

30 mins

Hiking Difficulty: 

  • Easy

Best time to visit: 

Midday when the sun is overhead

Chaudiere Pool

This delightful spot is on the upper reaches of the Hampstead River. 

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